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DiFi Web 3.0
Primary | Secondary Tertiary | Quaternary


As the world  changes so does the sustainable digital transformation of how we learn and work, Professional development requires continuous learning, exchange of knowledge, up skill and more so re-skilling.  

Students can access student loan programs, But those are increasingly becoming a debt burden while apprentices are paid by their employer for the work they do, as well as for time spent on training. If you are under 19 (or still in the first year of your apprenticeship) there is a minimum apprenticeship rate, but employers can and often do pay more, Given that and more about the future of work we created the DiFiHoloLens, DiFinftDebitCard, Wallet Account & Liquidity Token! A student loans and other borrowing liquidity tool.

Great go to for retail, banks, hotels, real estate, education, health, social work, computer services, recreation, media, communications, electricity, gas and water supply jobs.

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Above all do your best to find an apprenticeship!

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